Supporting Part-Time Employees Just Got Easier: A Non-Insurance Benefit You Can Implement Anytime

Ful.Health’s ful.CashPay addresses a critical gap, helping HR leaders offer affordable healthcare solution to uninsured, part-time employees (Dubuque, IA – November 14, 2024) – As Open Enrollment for 2025 unfolds, HR leaders are taking a closer look at the critical gaps in healthcare coverage for millions of part-time and gig workers. In industries such as […]

ful. CashPay: Revolutionizing Healthcare Access for Employers with Uninsured Team Members

ful. Health’s new app harnesses innovation, data, and technology to deliver affordable, easy-to-use healthcare solutions for part-time workers. [Dubuque, IA, September 18, 2024] – ful. Health is excited to announce the launch of ful. CashPay, a groundbreaking healthcare solution specifically designed for part-time employees, gig workers, association members, and the uninsured. As a non-insurance alternative, […]

Who Foots the Bill for Uninformed Health Plan Members? Discover the ful.View of savvier healthcare shopping.

Knowing that housing is the average American’s largest monthly expense1, would you sign a mortgage or lease without reading it? Probably not. But when it comes to healthcare, which is most likely your second largest monthly expense, your answer might be surprisingly different. For years, lack of transparency has been the status quo in healthcare […]

ful. Health Launches the ful. View Product to Guide Employers Toward Health Savings

DUBUQUE, Iowa, April 2, 2024 – ful. Health, a platform that educates and empowers groups to spend less and save more on healthcare, announces their ful. View solution, which transforms health savings for traditional health plan groups through unmatched transparency resources. Aligning with ful. Health’s greater mission, this product engages members with rewarding learning and health […]

ful. Health Introduces Innovative Solution to Help Group Health Plans Right-Size Healthcare Spending

For Immediate Release 3/13/2024 For many, group health insurance has become more overpriced and less accessible than ever. Now, a groundbreaking new platform called ful. Health is empowering members and employers to savvily navigate healthcare costs, allowing them to save money while maximizing the benefits of their coverage. Conceived by Dr. Bernie Saks, M.D., an […]

HSAs—The Benefit That Keeps on Benefitting

By: Dr. Bernie Saks President and CEO at ful. When the Health Savings Account (HSA) broke onto the healthcare scene in 2003, it provided plan members with a way to invest their income into a tax-free savings account for qualified health expenses.1 And these qualified expenses can range from vision, dental, hospital visits, prescriptions, deductibles, […]

What a Recent Lawsuit Against Aetna Means for the Insurance Space

By: Dr. Bernie Saks President and CEO at ful. Ever wonder why people don’t trust health insurance companies?  It’s because the moment insurance companies receive their first premium payment, oftentimes, those premiums are used against the consumers. Too often, those payments, are used to cushion insurance companies’ profits. We’ve all encountered someone close to us […]

Discover a Fresh Approach to Health Coverage That’s Essential for Employers in Today’s Highly Competitive Labor Market

Employers nationwide—especially small and mid-sized groups—are facing tough budgetary decisions resulting from the increasingly burdensome costs associated with providing employee health coverage, many of which are forced to choose between offering benefits, maintaining/growing their workforce, and staying within budget. According to professional services firm Aon, the average employer cost for providing healthcare benefits will rise […]