ful. and Quizzify Join Forces to Help Members Double Down on Healthcare Knowledge and Savings

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ful. is very excited to announce the launch of our innovative new operating system. The new system is designed to revolutionize the way money flows through the healthcare marketplace by pre-funding members’ health savings accounts (HSAs) and combining that with a plan that delivers savings on top of savings.

On May 24, we were thrilled to showcase the new system during an exclusive webinar co-hosted by Quizzify, whose education quiz games play an essential role in how the system functions and delivers results. The webinar discussion highlighted the critical importance of creating and nurturing savvy and engaged healthcare spenders and the many long-term benefits of doing so.

The new operating system was created to help members become more savvy healthcare consumers—and reward them for doing so. Equipped with the pre-funded Health Savings Account (HSA) to pay for qualified medical expenses, ful. members are also provided with the resources they need to make informed decisions about their own healthcare.

“With $4 trillion spent on healthcare every year in the US, it’s safe to say that we’re spending enough,” said Dr. Bernie Saks, Founder and CEO of ful. “The real question—where is that money going? In reality, an estimated $760 billon to $950 billion of that annual spend is just waste. Our goal at ful. is to change that by revolutionizing the way money flows through the healthcare system, while simultaneously ensuring that our savvy healthcare consumers receive quality care and are engaged in the process. This will lead to significant for savings for both members and employers.”

The new ful. system is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and customize. Users become savvy spenders through gamified monthly quizzes provided through Quizzify, learning in about 10 minutes a month, with just a few clicks, and are rewarded with tax-free distributions to their HSA.

The system was also built to be highly flexible, with the ability to integrate with a wide range of other tools and platforms. This includes health management tools, engagement platforms, and analytics platforms, among others.

To learn more, watch the complete webinar presentation now.