Putting Members First

ful. Delivers More

Built from the ground up, ful. is a reward system that plugs into employer’s health plans to give their members all of the tools they need to learn, shop, and save on their healthcare spend.

Answers at Your Fingertips

ful. members have quick and easy access to facts and important questions to ask a provider about 200 of the most common medical conditions. Members can review information before their provider visit and even save the information to discuss with their provider.

Learn: Smarter Healthcare Consumers Save Money

Healthcare can be confusing, mysterious and frustrating. The most common misconceptions about healthcare cause over-utilization and can be fixed with education. ful. offers small-bite quiz games that make learning fun and rewarding, empowering members to become savvy healthcare spenders in just minutes each month.


Savings on healthcare are built into our system, the concepts are easy to grasp, simple to navigate and, ful. provides easily actionable guidance that empower plan members to and to make their best care choices to meet their personal needs.


ful. supports members in their journey toward more savvy healthcare spending, every step of the way to smooth the transition to higher deductibles with easily actionable pricing guidance for care when they need it. ful. provides members all of the tools they need to conserve their healthcare spend.


Meet Chris, 28

“With ful. HSA, I like that I am earning money toward my deductible and that I’m able to
save it until I need it. I’ll be able to invest some of it soon, and then it will grow even
more. This is definitely more than I ever expected from my health plan.”

Contact Us

Built from the ground up for groups who put their
members first and want real value without
sacrifice. We can’t wait to meet you!

Ful.Health LLC

1755 Overview Court Dubuque, Iowa 52003

