
Introducing ful. The Smarter Way to HSA.

Say hello to ful., a health savings account (HSA) reward system that fully delivers on the healthcare value and quality that employees deserve, while also protecting the employer’s bottom line. Created to achieve the ultimate balance in savings and an engaged employee population, ful. is an education and reward system that creates a smarter way to HSA. 

The Result?

Richer Benefits.

Bigger Savings.

Increased Transparency.

A Better Member Experience.

Who We Serve

The ful. Solution

Annual waste in the U.S. healthcare system is estimated between $760 billon and $950 billion.1

1Waste in the US Health Care System, Shrank, William H; Rogstad, Teresa L.; Parekhm, Natasha, JAMA Volume 322 (15) – Oct 15, 2019, Accessed April 6, 2022.

While other solutions on the market seek to address these waste centers, no other solution is comprehensively removing waste on the member level. By right sizing rewards for participating members who are becoming better healthcare consumers, we’re helping right-size utilization and systematically reducing waste. All of this while members’ HSAs provide improved access to care, a savings account, and an investment vehicle. This is why HDHPs who invest in ful.’s rewards and education are serving up a much richer benefit than HDHP’s of the past.

Why ful.?

ful. was built from the ground up to fight skyrocketing health plan costs and provide richer, yet affordable and convenient benefits for healthcare consumers.

Health plans with ful. deliver more for less by creating savvy healthcare consumers that collectively work to reduce claims cost.

ful. empowers members to take active control of their own healthcare.

ful. improves access to care, educates, and rewards members ensuring this new operating system for high deductible health plans delivers more for less.

ful. delivers positive results for each of the plan’s stakeholders by focusing on its members. We’ve created an advantage toward savvy healthcare spending and financial well-being.


Save 3 Ways

Group 671

Educated members will right-size utilization; Members learn how to use healthcare to their advantage through monthly gamified quizzes proven to reduce claims costs.

Group 672

Participating members receive additional tax-free distributions to their HSA each month they complete a 10 minute quiz. Improving access to care when they need it. (FYI most members- 56% in fact of a traditional HDHP do not use their plan because they are afraid of how much it is going to cost.)

Group 673

Deliver more for less: Using a HDHP in conjunction with an employer funded HSA provides richer benefits that help retain and attract employees.

Using ful. and putting members first, you can reduce your healthcare spend even more without sacrificing quality.

Our Partners

Group 708

Member Education

  • Helps prepare members to advocate for themselves as savvy healthcare consumers.

  • Monthly quizzes teach members how to make better healthcare and lifestyle choices, and how to make the most of their HSA.

  • All healthcare and provider content is reviewed by Harvard Medical School physicians.

  • Members are empowered to save money and better navigate an intimidating medical marketplace.

  • Average ROI is 5.9X, and over 90% of members who engage complete the monthly quizzes.

  • 100% savings guarantee.

Group 707

HSA Administrators

  • Proven track record of providing HSAs.

  • Low cash reserve allows members to invest, putting their money to work in the first year.

  • No maintenance fee if member accepts electronic reporting.

  • Low, fixed investment fee $2.50/month.

Group 709

The Plan

  • For clients who seek a self-funded solution, Memberly provides customized plans designed to meet each payers needs.

  • When costs are reduced, the employer derives the savings, not the insurance carrier.

  • Zero risk: if claims are higher than projected, stop-loss insurance protects against significant losses.

Contact Us

Are You Ready to Make Your Health Plan Work More Efficiently and Effectively?

Discover how ful. is helping deliver more for less.


    1755 Overview Court Dubuque, Iowa 52003

